понедельник, 4 марта 2019 г.

Awesome Poetry Time

Hi everyone! After a bunch of releases we decided to stop for a while, but it doesn't mean that we're on hiatus. We're constanly trying new activities!

One of such activities is poetry. We try to support promising authors, and even to translate their best works to show them to a broader audience.

So, we're happy to present you a video containing my declamation of a translation of poem "To a Friend" by Alexander Shvetsov.

Mr. Shvetsov is a romantic poet who has published 3 books of poetry. "To a Friend" hasn't been included in them, so it's a real exclusive.

Certainly, I got permission from the authour to translate and publish it. Hope you like it!

Best wishes,
John "Grey Lenes" Grey

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